Tuesday, January 16, 2007

TV ads I love and hate

When you watch as much tv as I do, you know the commercials really well. There are two I woudl like to discuss.

First, anyone who watched Jeopary knows about MeadowWoods Assisted Living. The commercial is on daily, sometimes more than once during Jeopardy. Evidently, the MeadowWoods people think their potential clients enjoy watching trivia shows. They are probably right. Anyway, I see that commercial so often, I feel like I know the people giving testimonials in it. I know that at MeadowWoods, they work with the whole person, mind, body and spirit (to be fair, that probably stuck in my head because it is pretty much identical to the first part of the vision statement of my school. But still.). Anyway, in another 60 years, I am SO moving to MeadowWoods.

The ad campaign I like much less is the credit card one (Discover maybe?) where the whole city is covered with 'cute' little scissor creatures. People think the scissor creatures that have taken over the city and jump and snip into the air are cute, so they keep feeding them credit cards. Let me tell you what would happen if I ever saw a pair of scissors, somehow able to move of its own accord, dancing and snipping around--I would run. I would run as far as I could. I would not encourage the dangerous, deadly thing by giving it my credit cards. I would panic. For this reason, the campaign is, to me, an utter failure. I am surprised it hasn't given me nightmares.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:26 AM

    My 2 year old and I watch Alex everyday together. He loves to do the arm circles with them at the end of the Medowwoods ad. It's really funny.
