Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Commercial Inquiries

Do you notice a lot of commercials start with questions? Have advertising experts determined this is a successful tactic to get peoples' attention, because people instinctively pay attention when asked questions?

Usually the question comes at the start of the commercial. Wherever it comes, though, I usually start answering. When some rube says "What's in your wallet?" I start with "ummm...a coupon for a free Diet Dr. Pepper...my PETA membership card....uh...a library card...maybe four dollars...a coupon for a free cinnamon dessert at Papa Murphy's...do you want me to keep going?" I don't think the commercial actually cares.

Start answering aloud whenever a commercial asks a question. It's fun, because if you're with people and they're not paying attention to the commercial (they usually aren't, and even if they are, they don't expect you to answer) they suddenly think you're talking to them about something else. Enough non sequiturs, and you could get committed, and then you get a break.

1 comment:

  1. J'Rod2:25 PM

    It's just as fun during cable new programs. The host will ask some rhetorical question to get his/her point across...but my answer is almost never the answer they are assuming it would be.
