Wednesday, September 12, 2007

New TV shows we're excited about

It's fall and that means there are new TV shows. For me, that means that I'll get excited about a few particular shows that will get canceled within a month, and I'll miss out on the beginning of a hit show and not want to catch on late. So here are the shows doomed to failure because I'm interested in watching them.

Journeyman (NBC)
This is the one I'm most excited about. It's some sort of sci-fi, time travel show. It is starring Lucius Vorenus from Rome. In the commercials he's talking to Detective Kellerman from Homicide. Any one of these facts would get me to watch. It starts September 24th, and NBC is putting it on after Heroes, which encourages me that people might actually watch it. Cruelty-Free Mommy watches Heroes. And she loves Lucius Vorenus.

Dirty Sexy Money (ABC)
There is one reason I'm going to check this show out: Nathan Fisher from Six Feet Under is the star. It starts on September 26th.

Cavemen (ABC)
Why am I watching this? Because it can do nothing but fail. I like the commercials. I really do. They make me laugh out loud. And the sitcom is probably going to be horrible. The first and possibly last episode will be on October 2nd.

Back to You (FOX)
If you haven't noticed, we write a blog that is about local TV news. Here is a TV show about local TV news. We'll watch, even if it features stars from sitcoms I didn't really care for. It starts next Wednesday.

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