Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Overbearing Weather Alerts

The local TV networks are completely out of control with their School Alerts. They take up far more of the television screen than they actually need to.

Both KSTP 5 and My 29 have a bar on the bottom that is twice as big as it needs to be; instead of showing the school delays/cancellations on two lines, they could easily cut the bar in half and show them on one (a slow scroll is effective for longer info). And that bar on the side of the screen? COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY.

I'm watching The Simpsons on my little eight and a half by eleven inch TV (the size of a piece of paper!), and on My 29, the bottom bar is one and a half inches wide and the side bar is just under one and a half inches (yep, I pulled out my Bethel College ruler that I got free at the State Fair a few years ago and measured it).

Of course, on commercials the alert goes away entirely. It is only during programming that my screen is shrunk by a percentage that I can't calculate because I'm an English teacher, not a math teacher.

Why, local networks, do you force yourself into your programming so prominently? Is it really necessary?


  1. Ummm...school closings are kind of a big deal...

  2. So important that they need not be there to distract us during commercials.

  3. Nothing is more important than commercials. Without them, how could I possibly know what to buy?

  4. Anonymous2:36 PM

    How would I have learned about the DSRL?

