Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Triumphant Return of this Lousy Blog

The Magic Bullet
When you saw that this blog hadn't been updated in over a month, you probably thought more flaky bloggers once again quit blogging without ever really saying so.

Not so. We've just been too busy magic bulleting things.

If the Magic Bullet was nothing but a glorified Smoothie maker, it would still be worth it. You can make smoothies quickly, with few pieces and with little cleanup. But it does so much more than that.

I assume that most infomercials are utter tripe. But the Magic Bullet infomercial you've seen a dozen times? If it leads you to having a Magic Bullet, it was worth your time.

Pancakes are so cheap I'm a little bit tingly about it.
I'm a connoisseur of what I'll call "sustenance foods." What is "sustenance food"? If your top priority in life was to spend the least possible amount of money, all you would eat are sustenance foods. This is why in graduate school I ate a whole lot of french fries: you can get them extraordinarily cheap.

We'll I've found the sustenance food to end all sustenance food: pancakes. You can get a box of pancake mix for under two dollars. A very small portion of this pancake powder, mixed with water, makes enough pancakes to fill you up.

And honestly, pancakes are pretty good! So if you're extraordinarily cheap, and all you want out of your meal is cheapness, get a box of pancake powder, get a griddle (a worthwhile item), and spend your days and nights making and eating pancakes.

Beyond Shinders
I was devastated when Twin Cities staple Shinders closed. Well, there's something else now: "Beyond Shinders." I talk about it at my sports blog.

Cheapskate Vacation
This summer Cruelty-Free Mommy and I plan on taking the Baby Viking on some sort of driving vacation in Minnesota. We want to look at all the tacky (and free) big statues and oddities: Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox, the Runestone monument, those sorts of things. That's amusing, right? That's the sort of weird stuff little kids like to look at, right?

We'll try to do better next time.
I don't want this to be a flaky blog. But I don't know what I want it to be: I'm not quite sure I want it to be a good blog, either. But it's back. The timing was all bad and we took over a month off. Hopefully that won't happen again.

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