Friday, September 05, 2008

Are you scared? You should be: you're desperate.

Scare Tactics is the Sci Fi Channel hidden camera show in which people get the piss scared out of them. The target gets put into an isolated situation, then some sort of scary event occurs to scare the person. It's horrifyingly funny.

But here's what disturbs me. To get the target into a scary situation, the target is often given a job in some isolated location late at night. So, to be a target on this show, you have to be desperate enough to take a part-time job on short notice in an isolated place in the middle of the night. After scaring the hell out of the person (in the best episode, the target is usually convinced he/she is about to die), they tell the person that "You're on Scare Tactics." Of course, first the target stares around confused because he/she has probably never heard of Scare Tactics because it's on the Sci Fi channel. And then...that person that was so desperate for money, he/she agreed to short-term work at an isolated location in the middle of the night...realizes he/she doesn't have a job.

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