Thursday, September 25, 2008

George W. Millen

From the beginning there were questions about whether or not he deserved the job. Did he really earn it? And then very quickly there arose questions about how much time he spent away from the job, how hard he was willing to work.

Then disasters started happening, one after another. And over and over again, he showed incompetence attempting to deal with problems. His detractors began to find him personally loathsome. But it wasn't personality that drove his critics mad: it was his consistent bungling, his constant mismanagement, his frequent mistakes.

Soon he showed a stubborn character, an unwillingness to recognize a mistake, a persistence in continuing along the same plan again and again. "Stay the course" was the mantra. Even though it looked incredibly stupid, he vowed to continue following the same path, continuing the same mistakes, again and again.

Despite a questionable record, he got a job extension. For better or worse, he was going to have the job. And he continued to mismanage everything, badly. During his time as leader, the organization he led suffered through an intensely difficult period, a time fraught with failures and struggles. Things often went badly, and he showed no ability to actually deal with the problems that arose (in fact, many believed he was responsible for those problems). It was a bad time for the organization, and whether leadership was the cause, or whether leadership was simply unable to deal with circumstances, is up for debate. But without a doubt leadership was poor. It was a rough period characterized by an incompetent, stubborn, unlikeable, clueless, awful leader.

George W. Millen.

The Detroit Lions will be better off when he's not running things. So will America.

After writing this, I thought "There are surely others who have seen this connection and written this sort of thing before me (and done better)." Indeed, here are a few:

Daily Kos
KFAN message boarders
Fanhouse commenters

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