Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Why do you mock me, commercials?

Perhaps you've seen this commercial where the Diet Dr. Pepper starts moving to the snack aisle of the grocery store?  When I first saw this commercial, I got giddy with anticipation.  Will there be a chocolate flavored Diet Dr. Pepper?  Yes, I would drink that.  Is there going to be a Diet Dr. Pepper candy?  Yes, I would eat that.

Alas, the commercial was merely an attempt to associate Diet Dr. Pepper with sweet desserts.  Blah.  I know Diet Dr. Pepper is sweet.  I know Diet Dr. Pepper is good.  Why would they make me believe some new, magical product would be entering my life?

And then there are the Denny's commercials, which highlight delicious-looking, tempting, desirable pancake meals, followed by the smackdown truth that these products are made up--Denny's is just offering you a "serious" pancake meal.   I just saw one featuring pancakes smothered in pink frosting and candies, then was told I shouldn't desire this wonderful thing--I'm supposed to want a serious pancake meal.  Well I don't want a serious pancake meal!  I'm not sure I want a pancake meal at all, but that frosting-smothered pancake sort of made me want pancakes.  But not a serious Denny's pancake.

Well, I don't know if I want Nanerpus:

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:04 AM

    How come Cruelty-Free Mommy never posts on here anymore? You're cool Pacifist Viking, but what happened to the other contributors?
