Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Cheap Pop in the Cities

If this blog existed for nothing else but to inform you of cheap pop, it would be worth it.

Pepsi products at the target on White Bear Ave: four 12 packs for $11 and you get a 5$ gift card. These are the times that Target can expect to see me daily. I assume the deal is not exclusive to the one Target.

But the Consumerist tells us a reason to be concerned about gift cards.

So, inveterate caffeine addicts, ejoy the cold beverages.


  1. Anonymous7:03 PM

    I don't know how to ejoy, but I want to learn. It sounds fun.

  2. Weird Al should do a parody of Foreigner (?)'s "Hot Child in the City" and call it "Cheap Pop in the Cities."

    Or not, depending on whether that is a good idea.

  3. Beav, you have to understand that I don't misspell, I coin new words.

    Speaking of Shakespeare, how is "Hamlet" treating you? I've heard Shakespeare coined like 600 new words in that play alone.

  4. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Yes, it is true. It's a fun play, a lot of interesting word play. And by fun I don't mean joyful, I mean interesting.
