Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Why I dislike Texas (1)

Here at "We Have Mixed Feelings About Sven Sundgaard," there are only three acceptable stances about anything: you can like it, you can dislike it, or you can have mixed feelings about it. We like Minnesota. So we begin a new feature to this blog: why we dislike other states. We begin, naturally, with Texas.

A Texas lawmaker is bringing forth legislation to allow blind people to hunt. You can read about this here, here, and here.

So that's reason number one I dislike Texas: some Texans want to make it legal for blind people to shoot guns at animals.


  1. Texas isn't all bad. They do have a kick ass Ranger, names Walker.

  2. Does ANYONE except for Texans like Texas?

    I know how a lot of non-Americans feel (rightly or wrongly) about the U.S. because that's exactly how I feel about Texas.
