Saturday, May 03, 2008

Groceries Groceries Groceries

In trying to live both frugally and healthily, my entire being feels consumed by groceries. If you eat a lot of produce, it means going to get groceries a few times a week. No matter what you do, you will be uttering phrases like "We're out of lettuce again" and "Didn't I just buy strawberries?" and "I thought there were pears in here" and "I just finished off the broccoli." You can't just plan ahead and buy in bulk--produce only lasts so long (I'm pushing it with a two pound bag of romaine lettuce right now).

But running out of produce is one half of a duel problem. The other issue is the constant battle to beat the due dates; as a frugal person, it pains me to throw out food just because it went bad before I ate it (sure, I feed it to squirrels in the back yard, so it's not wasted, exactly). So you're always monitoring the food to make sure it's not going to be overdue soon.

Eating produce makes one constantly aware of groceries. Groceries. Nothing but groceries. I'm not sure an hour goes by when I'm not conscious of groceries.

1 comment:

  1. In my job I now have to stock paper. Hundreds of thousands of pounds of paper. One week we used over 30,000 pounds in printing! I am constantly thinking about paper: how much we have, when to order more... But the tricky thing is I have to order at least 6 weeks in advance. Suck.
