Wednesday, January 17, 2007

American Idol on Faux

We all know that local TV news sucks, and that only about five minutes of the broadcast (on a good night) actually qualifies as news. But FOX 9 might be the worst. How much of each FOX 9 "news" broadcast is going to be devoted to American Idol? And if a FOX "News" program devotes a great deal of time to "covering" a FOX TV show, does it even get to continue calling itself "news"? FOX isn't alone, of course; MSNBC will often do "news" features about what's going on in The Apprentice.

When TV news devotes a great deal of time to covering a TV show that is featured on its own network, we've basically reached the point where TV news is pointless. There is ZERO credibility, relevence, or integrity involved anymore.

"They're making us look like assholes."
This is the statement made by Possible Flurries (in a laughing, jovial way) as she watched the American Idol auditions in Minneapolis. Basically, American Idol covered Minneapolis with all the knowledge that anybody outside of Minnesota has of Minnesota: obligatory shot of the Mall of America and a thousand references to Prince. That's what we are to the rest of the nation: the place where the Mall of America (inexplicably, to them at least) is, and the place that Prince comes from.

The wrong door
Did FOX purposely make that left side of the double-door locked, knowing that all sorts of people would try to push the wrong door, just so Simon could say "other door" just to make them look and feel like bigger asschucks? And how many people who succeeded ran through the other door that didn't get shown on TV so didn't look like asschucks?

Either way, I wholly approve.

"You're going to Hollywood."
For the life of me, I can't figure out how "You're going to Hollywood" hasn't made it into the common lexicon. When somebody does something well, or wins a game, or does anything of moderate ability, couldn't you wittily say "You're going to Hollywood"?

I would like to add "You're going to Hollywoood" and "Squirt it and desert it" into common usage, while removing "thrown under the bus" and "at the end of the day."


  1. I thought MN wasn't portrayed in that great of a light. I just kept waiting for someone, anyone from MN to make it to the next round. Many people trying out weren't even from MN. But fortunatly according to the previews it looks like Seatle was even worse.
    I also made several comments during the show about how they should unlack that other door, or at least put an arrow up so to avoid the mishaps.

  2. At least they got the accents down-pat, fer sher.
