Saturday, October 20, 2007

Really, Kohl's?

One way I live a frugal life is by rarely purchasing clothes. Sure, clothing is a human need, but new clothing is usually just a human want; you really don't have to buy new clothes that often. I accept hand-me-downs from family, I build up new wardrobes based on Christmas gifts, and most importantly, I make the clothes I have last. Mostly, clothing is an unnecessary expense, and I judge all of you people for buying new clothes all the time.

One of my weaknesses is the Kohl's clearance rack, with nice clothes up to 90% off. I recently bought a $200 suit jacket marked down to $20--even a frugal tightwad like me couldn't resist that.

On that trip to Kohl's that resulted in the legendary $20 suit jacket (you should see me in this thing; if I saw myself in this jacket, I'd throw my panties at myself), I heard this message over the speaker:

"If you like shopping at Kohl's, you'll love working here."

There's no logic whatsoever to that statement. Just because I like shopping at Kohl's does not mean in any way that I would love to work there. I suspect it would mostly be really, really boring. There's no connection between liking shopping at a very cheap story and loving working there. I'm fairly certain I would hate working at Kohl's. I mean, why is it inherent that I'd love working at a place I like to shop? I like watching pro football, but I'm pretty sure if I were on the field playing I'd end up in a hospital after one or two plays. I like Subway, but the two months I spent working at Subway still provide me with horrifying stories (the people who worked the shift before me often ran out of bread. That's right, I worked at a Subway that ran out of bread. So I would sit there while the bread was baking, and though it was no fault of my own, had to tell people I couldn't make them a sandwich because there was no bread. And then I was usually there until after 2:00 in the morning washing dishes. Believe it or not, there are a lot of dishes to wash if you work at Subway. As a closer, that usually fell to me, and mostly, none of the daytime workers ever bothered to wash any dishes. So that was my life for a few months: washing an entire day's worth of Subway dishes until the wee hours of the morning and telling angry customers we were out of bread. And seriously, I've got a major problem with parentheses. This is just ridiculous).

Anyway, cheap clothes at Kohl's = good. Message telling me I'd love to work at Kohl's = completely ridiculous.