Monday, August 28, 2006


I don't know how the rest of you feel, but I have issues because the media (and I am in no way blaming Sven directly) has for years now been leading people to live their lives in fear. My issue is that it is working. I am paranoid about 'the terrorists.' Here is how it manifests itself most obviously in my daily life:

First, public schools are supposedly a scary place now that kids have begun shooting them up. This is a very serious crisis, though the cases are thankfully pretty isolated and rare. The school I work at is very safe, and the students are very sweet. And yet, at times I have moments where I wonder if the kid who I told to tuck in is shirt is going to come back the next day with a grenade or something. Now, I don't really have serious fear, or I probably would change careers. But at times, I worry.

Here is something even crazier: I assume terrorists for some reason want to attack the East side. Why? I don't know. Because we rock. Because they are jealous of Phalen Park. Whatever. But the other night, for example, I called the police because I saw a suspicious-looking bag of trash. That's right, a sack of refuse scared me to the point where I called for help. AAAAHHHH! I am sure it is nothing (or I hope), because it is still sitting there in my neiighborhood. Sidebar: PEOPLE SHOULDN'T LEAVE TRASHBAGS LAYING AROUNG THE NEIGHBORHOOD, EMPTY OR FULL.

So, anyway, in my opinion, the terrorists have already won. I fear rubbish.

1 comment:

  1. I did a sermon on this subject when I was back in Sauk at the end of May. The counter-narrative to the media (and government)'s narrative of fear is the confidence and security that comes with being in the body of Christ. I could develop it more, but currently Micah is running around and getting into too many things.
