Thursday, November 23, 2006

Cheapness and Holiday Shopping

In today's world, to avoid feeling like a cheapskate and to show people we care about them, most of us spend lots of time and money preparing gifts for everyone we are close to. When you are as super-popular as I am, this adds up to spending a lot of money. And, as is obvious, we don't like to spend much money in general, if it can be avoided. Here are my tips for giving gifts on a budget during the holidays.

1. Spend Thanksgiving evening reading, re-reading, and re-re-reading the ads for all the stores in your area. Get up at 4:00 am the next day. Drive to said stores. Purchase inexpensive, doorbuster items for everyone you need things for. Done. (Seriously, the sale prices border on insane at some places. It is worth the effort)

2. Make stuff for people. Remember being a kid and making some crummy ash tray for your non-smoking grandmother out of clay or dry pasta? Didn't she love it? It was the effort and personal touch that counted, really. But nowadays, crafty items are popular (if well-done). People under the age of 60 are knitting, crocheting, and quilting, and the products they make are not only made with love, but they are similar to what stores are selling, in many cases. You can also make ornaments or baked goods. People like these things.

3. Have a baby. Have your baby get its hands covered in paint. Make a handprint painting and put it in an inexpensive but nice-looking frame. This will please most family members. Not to tip my hand about my plans for next year...

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