Thursday, November 30, 2006

Recent News Stories Linked to Depression

Watching the recent news extras from local TV has made me want to become homebound. Are the news anchors really trying to scare us? First Kare 11 does a story about a rare form of breast cancer that cannot be easily detected!! The warning signs of breast cancer do not exist for this type. What are we supposed to do with that information, sit in fear?
As you may know one of my favorite hobbies is shopping. But my favorite mall apparently has faulty and dangerous escalators!! See WCCO’s Terri Gruca’s Blog for details. What am I going to do, well I guess I will have to find the stairs, for my own safety. I guess I will survive.

I understand news stations have to tell us about bad stuff all of the time. But really these extra stories… Maybe I am ready for some light hearted personal interest crap again.


  1. Have you seen "Bowling for Columbine"? There's a section about how the news scares us. If you want to watch it, you can just walk to the DVD shelf in the house and grab it.

  2. When you say your favorite mall, do you mean Maplewood? Because that is my favorite mall. And I ride the escalators there fairly often.

    Does anyone remember the time Abe got attacked by an escalator, then bled all over and passed out? It was at MOA. It was scary and it sucked. But I blame his flip flops, not the escalator. Plus, the escalator was stopped, and he just tripped.

  3. By the way, I have more to add about the news trying to scare us. About a week and a half ago, PV and I were watching the news. They had a story on one channel about how milk goes bad faster if you don't keep it at a ccertain temp. They did this big in-depth thing where they measured the temps of the milk coolers at all the local grocers (Supertarget was the best, fyi). It was crazy. Then, they were giving out free thermometers for people to put in their fridges to make sure they were cold enough. In order to get these free thermometers, you could call a hotline, and they showed us the people awaiting our calls. It was like a suicide hotline, except it was not about suicide, it was about milk thermometers. How stupid is that? AndI almost called, but then I was like, who cares?

    Then, that same night, we flipped to news on another chanel, and they were talking about breast cancer or something, and they had a 24 hour hotline set up with multiple people ready and waiting as well, to answer all of our questions about breast cancer. Is that needed? Who has a question about cancer that is so pressing that they need to call the newspeople at 2 am for an answer?

    So, I totally agree, with both you and Michael Moore. The news people are trying to scare us.
