Thursday, November 02, 2006

They Day-Old Cycle and Red Wine

Day-old Donuts caught in vicious cycle.
The Kwik Trip on the east side of Woodbury sells day-old donuts cheap: 50 cents for two. It is quite easy to see how this happens.
1. Store has extra donuts day x, puts them out day x+1 cheaply.
2. Person comes in day x+1, wants donuts, and gets the cheaper day-olds rather than buy the more expensive fresh donuts.
3. At the end of day x+1, there are extra donuts because of day-old sales. The extra donuts are put out cheaply on day x+2.
4. Repeat cycle into infinity.
We are the beneficiaries of Kwik Trip's vicious cycle.

Rats drink red win and live a long time. It's worth a shot.
Something in red win helps obsese rats live a long time, according to new research. From now on, when I'm looking for a beverage to cut my gin with, red wine will be the first choice. According to Rob Stein,

"The substance, called resveratrol, enabled mice that were fed a high-calorie, high-fat diet to live active lives despite becoming obese — the first time any compound has been shown to do that. Tests found it activated genes that protect against the effects of aging, essentially neutralizing the harmful effects of a bad diet on the animals' health and life span."

Tommorrow's headline: "Fat Guy's of World Rejoice, spend money on red wine."

Because I will be drinking red wine, I can keep buying day-old donuts.