Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I'm back, baby!

For some divine providence, I am somehow able to access blogs today. Thank you, internet devil, for temporarily disturbing my school's monster filter system. Awesome.

As we all know, yesterday was Halloween. We learned in the last post that Pacifist Viking dressed as a burrito. I dressed as a reverse camel. I had been looking forward to passing out candy for a while, since we have so many kids in the neighborhood, and our last place didn't allow trick-or-treaters (LAME!). So, I was excited to see the kiddies in their costumes.

We had close to 200 kids come, I would guess. One bad thing that happened is that we ran out of candy, like right away. It didn't help that we ate like a whole bag of it over the weekend. By 7:05, I was blowing out the jackolantern and turning off the lights. I actually hid in the bedroom for a while. It was terrible. But Pacifist Viking returned with more candy, so all was well. The trouble was the only candy left for him to buy at that time on Halloween was Starburst. I like them and all, but these were not intended for trick-or-treaters; these were individual squares. And since Pacifist Viking didn't want to have to leave the house again, there was a while where I was handing one little Starburst to each kid. Yup, we were that house. I am surprised nobody egged us.

Here is my plea to homeowners all around: give teenagers candy on Halloween. Teens are people too. But they are too big for their parents to buy them costumes, and they are too young to drink (legally), so what are they supposed to do with the night? I bet this happens for like half the teens. They decide the are all going to hang out, but then they have nothing to do. They don't have costumes, because they are too cool for that (or so they thought). But by 7 or so, they get silly and someone finally says, "Should we just go trick-or-treating?" They do. They brave the cold and the ridicule of adults who think they are too big to have fun. They go from house to house, like beggars, trying to have an innocent, good time, trying to reconnect with their childhood. It is sad, almost. So, people--GIVE THEM CANDY! They already have lots of bad things to deal with (zits, pubs, homework, etc). They deserve a smile and a treat. And the longer they are out doing harmless things like that, the longer we keep them sweet and not pregnant.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Isn't the day after Halloween really boring? The night before there's people everywhere dressed in crazy costumes talking to anyone they see, and then suddenly back to normal.
