Monday, November 13, 2006

Weatherpeople, cheapness, and us

The Weatherpeople Control Our Lives
It snowed last Thursday night/Friday morning in parts of Minnesota. I know this for several reason, one of which is Kare 11's Friday 5:00 news LED with the snow. This continues to baffle me. Snow. Minnesota. LEADING THE NEWS.

Film about Weatherpeople
If you like the people that read the weather, you should see the movie The Weather Man. A story about a weather man explores the human condition. Fun times.

Cheapness and Wardrobe
I'm wearing a nice sweater I found in my closet. It used to be my dad's. I'm on a nice frugal wardrobe system: my dad buys/gets new clothes fairly frequently, and then passes down older clothes to me, which then become my nicest and best clothes. In 2006, I've purchased four clothing items for myself: khakis for 11.98, cords for 4.98, tennis shoes for 16.99, and a long-sleeved peace t-shirt for 6.98. And despite this, I have more shirts than I could wear in three straight months.

Cheapness and Buying Clothes

If you do have to buy your clothes, and you want decent clothes cheap, go to "Steve and Barry's," which seems to be revolutionizing the prices of clothes.

1 comment:

  1. I think the snow leading the news was due to a combination of:

    1) Its sporadic occurrence. The Twin Cities didn't get any, but points south got dumped on. Moderately unusual.

    2) I can't think of any other reason.
