Monday, November 06, 2006

Comments on Frugality: Movie Theaters and Free Samples

The movie theater
In the calendar year 2006, I've attended a movie in the theater exactly four times. I saw Brokeback Mountain (excellent--actually, now I'm not entirely sure I didn't see it in late December, but I think it was early January), The Lady in the Water (awful), Snakes on a Plane (it is what it is), and finally, this Saturday I saw Borat with Possible Flurries. Four movies, even though I like watching movies. in 2005, I saw Revenge of the Sith in the theater four times itself. I don't know how many times I went to the theater in 2005--I would estimate somewhere between 25-40. But this is one way that I've proven talented at frugality. I show patience, and wait to see films on Netflix, which is a much more efficient use of an entertainment budget. But I had to see Borat, and it was well worth it. An unbelievable, original comedy with repeated laugh-out-loud moments.

Free Samples
If you take the free samples at a supermarket, what do you do? I usually nod and say "MMM" to the employee who is explaining what the product is. I don't want to just take it and eat it; for some reason I don't want them to think I'm a total cheapskate. But those employees aren't on commission, are they? What do they care whether I'm going to go buy the product I just mooched off them?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:54 PM

    I have twice managed to take free samples so noxious that I was instantly compelled to spit them back into my napkin. Given this track record, I prefer to offer a civil nod and smile, then quickly turn away before actually eating. I refuse to fake an "mmm" for someone who, in all likelihood, knows just how bad the sample truly is.
