Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Fashionistas are watching you, anchors.

I don't have much time for fashion; it's silly, fickle, and meaningless. Furthermore Bruno has done an excellent job showing how devoid of thought much of the fashion world is.

But what the hell was Amelia Santaniello wearing on WCCO last night? It was like a combination smock/overalls. Seriously. A white blouse covered by some sort of black smock that had straps going over the shoulders. It was indescribably ugly. I couldn't concentrate on what she was saying as I stared at that amazing fashion decision.


  1. Yeah, it was by far the worst outfit I've ever seen a regular person wear in public. I say regular person, as opposed to what celebrities and models occasionally wear; those things don't count.

    Every time she came onscreen, we just laughed and made fun of her. The news went unheard. We should have taken a picture of it; it was up there beyond Pat Evans's vertical-striped disaster over the summer.

  2. My dears, too bad you didn't tape it and post it on YouTube!

  3. I often ask the same question about you.. what the hell is he wearing?
