Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Marathons and Money

This weekend, October 1, 2006, is the Twin Cities Marathon. I am sure many of you have no interest in running or watching running, but you should be aware that Sven will be there. He is an avid runner according to his Kare 11 blog and is getting ready for the weekend. He is even getting his calf massaged tonight. Sven is also predicting good weather. So the question is considering our abnormal interest in Sven should we be attending his local events? We already try to watch his weather coverage and keep up on his blog, but is that enough? He is often involved in community activities as a host or MC. Maybe seeing him live will help us sort out our mixed feelings?

I am looking to attend a play or musical, but of course and continually trying to live cheaply. I am not sure if it will be possible to get off to cheap in this area. The Chanhassen Dinner Theatre is showing Grease and ticket are about $50-70 including a meal. Tickets at the Gutherie are also around $50, but nothing there I am too excited to see right now. Ordway is showing Chicago in January but tickets are also around $50 a piece or more. Anyone have any ideas for a good show at a smaller price?

1 comment:

  1. There are tons of small theaters all over the Twin Cities for cheap: you need to start paging through "The Rake" to get some sense. Check "The Pioneer Press" which is inexplicably delivered to our door every morning. You should be able to see some good shows for well under $20 a ticket if you're willing to find small theaters.

    Also, try rush tickets.
