Tuesday, September 26, 2006

My Drug of Choice

No, it's not meth. Meth is gross, people. I am talking about American Idol. I am having a personal struggle, as I often do in the weeks preceding a new season of Americal Idol: do I get involved?

During season 1, we had a big group that got together every week to enjoy the novelty of American Idol (along with booze and fine company). It was awesome. I always remember that as I try to decide my fate for each new season. But here is the thing: that group aspect is gone. And the novelty long ago wore away. How many times can Simon Cowell creatively tell someone they suck and still be funny?

And yet, I still want to watch. I do this every season, and every season, I waste my life away, watching multiple episodes per week of a show it is predictable and somewhat boring, after the crappy people get weeded out. I haven't cared about who won in years, and I never have and probably never will buy a CD of anyone who has ever been a contestant on the show (I know what you may be thinking--"didn't you vote for Kelly Clarkson?" Yes, I did. But it was more anti-Guarini than pro-Clarkson).

I have come to this conclusion: either I am being brainwashed, or American Idol is like a drug (metaphorical or otherwise). I am helpless against it's powers. So, I have decided, after much deliberation, to commit myself to yet another disappointing season. Here were the deciding factors:

1. They held auditions in Minneapolis. I may very well see people I went to high school with or other people I know. That will make at least one episode worthwhile.

2. Although I always stress about keeping my evenings free certain nights of the week for shows that are on more than one night (btw, thanks for ruining my summer, Big Brother All Stars), with American Idol, it is never a problem. If you miss an episode, they will cover the results and highlights on Fox 9 Morning 'News' as if it were actual current events rather than a shameless promotion of another network show. Bastards! Sven would never do that.

For all these reasons and more, you know what I will be doing with my spare time this fall. It's a nasty habit, but I'm not ready to quit.


  1. TV shows, especially reality shows can really dominate your time. Shows like American idol are on at least twice a week some times more, but I do agree it is ok to miss every once and a while since the recaps are easy to find. Lately I have been trying to follow Dancing with the Stars, but with night classes it is hard to keep up. Man if only I could sit home every night is watch all the TV shows and reality TV I love, that would be a life...
