Thursday, October 26, 2006

The commercial life (or, I am interested in this "Head On" product, but I am not sure exactly how it works)

And now, back to our raison d'etre. We don't want to spend money, so then we end up watching too much TV to entertain ourselves, and then we comment on that TV, with an emphasis on local TV (like Sven Sundgaard).

Political season can be a brutal time for the television enthusiast. It's very difficult to avoid the bombardment of advertisements. It is likely that no matter how hard you've tried not to know, you know that Amy Klobuchar's mom takes Lipitor. You really can't not know these things if you watch a TV.

When watching these political ads, try to learn things about yourself. For example, if you've watched TV in the last few months and you don't think Mark Kennedy is a total dick, well, then consider the possibily that you are yourself a total dick. Because you probably are. If you find Michelle Bachmann attractive but then feel bad for finding her attractive, you have difficulty separating images from ideas. If you don't find Michelle Bachmann attractive because she has crazy eyes, then you are correct: she does have crazy eyes, and is probably crazy. If you find Michelle Bachmann attractive because of her crazy eyes, then you probably like crazy people. If something bothers you about Mike Hatch's teeth, but you're going to vote for him anyway, then you just might be me. If you see commercials for state auditor, and you don't say, "Hmmm, what does a state auditor do, anyway?" then you should probably run for state auditor the next time you get the chance (we need people like you in the auditor's office). And if you've changed your mind about who you are voting for based on these commercials, then you are probably paying close attention to commercials: could you just tell me how "Head On" works?

(note: We do have political views that are not trivial. We will vote, and we care deeply about who wins. But there are enough political blogs out there. Here, we will always attempt to be trivial)


  1. Amy Klobuchar's mom takes Lipitor?

    I KNEW I was Missing Something Important by getting all my news from the paper and the internet.

    Seriously. I'm stunned. Can I get a fan over here?

  2. Brilliant post, tapping in exactly to the zeitgeist of its place and time (now, here).
