Monday, October 23, 2006

Frugality and Humanity

Sven was back to soothe us this weekend. Sunday night, we needed it, after the Vikings got our blood pumping fast fast fast.

We winterized our house this weekend, with the help of my dad (translation: he did it); just a few more things to get done. This means that we put plastic over our windows. It's a necessity in an old house to winterize in order to save on energy costs and to keep the house warm. In the process, we probably gave our cat, Sue Ellen Mischke, the worst day of her life. We believe it would be inhumane to declaw Mischke, so we let her stay potent in her meanness. However, these claws would certainly ruin all the work put in to winterize our house. So for the entire afternoon, she was locked on the porch. This isn't awful--she still had her litter box, food and water, soft places to lay, things to play with, and lots of windows to look out of--but she thinks she's people and wanted to be with us. And then we purchased these little plastic things to put over her claws so that she couldn't damage things and would learn to live without clawing things. In order to put this on, I had to hold her tight (including keeping her head away from Possible Flurries) while Possible Flurries placed these plastic contraptions onto her claws. She whined, pouted, hissed, and twisted about. It was a lousy day for her.

The weekend got better for her, though. Possible Flurries bought and carved a pumpkin which led to much amusement, she had a pleasant time tormenting me, plenty of guests were around to amuse her, and she was easily able to twist around the awful Halloween outfit Posssible Flurries bought for her. She's coming around to forgiving me for her awful day.

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